Me parece que sus ejemplos deben estar en ingles ademas del español. Por otro lado las personas que no leen todo el contenido no tenemos idea de las abreviaciones que son utilizadas como el (Md) etc.
Respuesta:Todos los ejemplos del repaso del idioma español, van en ese idioma.
Al comenzar, "SUGIERO", seguir el orden de estudio, porque los temas se van enganchando, y así evitas los inconvenientes de no saber que (Md), es Modificador Directo de un sustantivo, lo que me indica que desconoces algunas estructuras básicas de un idioma. Parece que, el comienzo fundamental e importante que sugerí , que te da una pequeña base de arranque , la has obviado.
La crítica constructiva que hago es, ...¿Cómo calificas, algo que has leído salteado.?
Atte. Luis
gracias a todos ustedes por este gran material de gran importancia para todos.
Linda noche estimado, le escribo porque realmente vale mucho la pena agradecerle por tan importante información.
Dios lo siga BENDICIENDO como hasta ahora lo ha hecho.
Un fuerte abrazo.
Tabla de algunos de los verbos más usados en inglés:
Inglés | Past Simple | Past Participle | Reg. | Español |
Base verbal | ||||
Accept | accepted | accepted | o | aceptar |
Allow | allowed | allowed | o | permitir |
Answer | answered | answered | o | responder |
Ask | asked | asked | o | preguntar |
Be | was/were | been | x | Ser/estar |
Become | became | become | x | convertirse |
Begin | began | begun | x | comenzar |
Believe | believed | believed | o | creer |
Be born | Was/were born | born | x | nacer |
Borrow | borrowed | borrowed | o | pedir |
Break | broke | broken | x | romper |
Bring | brought | brought | x | traer |
Buy | bought | bought | x | comprar |
Can | could | been able | x | poder, ser capaz |
Cancel | cancelled | cancelled | o | cancelar |
Catch | caught | caught | x | atrapar |
Change | changed | changed | o | cambiar |
Choose | chose | chosen | x | elegir |
Clean | cleaned | cleaned | o | limpiar |
Comb | combed | combed | o | peinar |
Come | came | come | x | venir |
Complain | complained | complained | o | quejarse |
Cough | coughed | coughed | o | toser |
Count | counted | counted | o | contar |
Cost | cost | cost | x | costar |
Cut | cut | cut | x | cortar |
Dance | danced | danced | o | bailar |
Die | died | died | o | morir |
Draw | drew | drawn | x | dibujar |
Drink | drank | drunk | x | beber |
Drive | drove | driven | x | conducir |
Do | did | done | x | hacer |
Eat | ate | eaten | x | comer |
End | ended | ended | o | terminar |
Explain | explained | explained | o | explicar |
Inglés | Past Simple | Past Participle | Reg. | Español |
Base verbal | ||||
Feel | felt | felt | x | sentir |
Fill | filled | filled | o | llenar |
Find | found | found | x | encontrar |
Finish | finished | finished | finalizar | |
Fit | fited | fited | o | caber |
Fix | fixed | fixed | o | fijar |
Fly | flew | flown | x | volar |
Forget | forgot | forgotten | x | olvidar |
Give | gave | given | x | dar |
Go | went | gone | x | ir |
Grow | grew | grown | x | crecer |
Have | had | had | x | Tener, tomar, haber |
Hear | heard | heard | x | oir |
Hit | hit | hit | x | golpear |
Hurt | hurt | hurt | x | herir |
Kill | killed | killed | o | matar |
Know | knew | known | x | Saber, conocer |
Learn | learnt/learned | Learn/learned | x | aprender |
Leave | left | left | x | dejar, abandonar |
Like | liked | liked | o | Gustar/querer |
Listen | listened | listened | o | escuchar |
Live | lived | lived | o | vivir |
Look | looked | looked | o | mirar |
Lose | lost | lost | x | perder |
Make | made | made | x | fabricar |
Marry | married | married | o | casarse |
Meet | met | met | x | encontrarse |
Need | needed | needed | o | necesitar |
Open | opened | opened | o | abrir |
Organize | organized | organized | o | organizar |
Pay | paid | paid | x | pagar |
Put | put | put | x | poner |
Rain | rained | rained | o | llover |
Read | read | read | x | leer |
Reply | replied | replied | o | contestar |
Ride | rode | ridden | x | montar |
Run | ran | run | x | correr |
Say | said | said | x | decir |
See | saw | seen | x | ver |
Inglés | Past Simple | Past Participle | Reg. | Español |
Base verbal | ||||
Sell | sold | sold | x | vender |
Send | sent | sent | x | enviar |
Shut | shut | shut | x | cerrar |
Sign | signed | signed | o | firmar, señalar |
Sing | sang | sung | x | cantar |
Sit | sat | sat | x | sentarse |
Sleep | slept | slept | x | dormir |
Smoke | smoked | smoked | o | fumar |
Speak | spoke | spoken | x | hablar |
Spell | spelled | spelled | o | deletrear |
Spend | spent | spent | x | gastar |
Stand | stood | stood | x | pararse |
Star | Starred | Starred | o | comenzar |
Steal | stole | Stolen | x | robar |
Strike | struck | struck | x | golpear |
Study | studied | studied | o | estudiar |
Swell | swelled | swollen | x | hincharse |
Swim | swam | swum | x | nadar |
Take | took | taken | x | tomar |
Talk | talked | talked | o | hablar |
Teach | taught | taught | x | enseñar |
Tell | told | told | x | decir |
Think | thought | thought | x | pensar |
throw | threw | thrown | x | lanzar |
Translate | translated | translated | o | traducir |
Travel | travelled | travelled | o | viajar |
Try | tried | tried | o | intentar |
Turn off | turned off | turned off | o | apagar |
Turn on | turned on | turned on | o | encender |
Type | typed | typed | o | escribir a máquina |
Understand | understood | understood | x | entender |
Use | used | used | o | utilizar/usar |
Wait | waited | waited | o | esperar |
Wake up | waked up | waked up | o | despertar |
Walk | walked | walked | o | pasear/caminar |
Want | wanted | wanted | o | querer/desear |
Watch | watched | watched | o | mirar (TV) |
Wear | wore | worn | x | Llevar ropa puesta |
Win | won | won | x | vencer/ganar |
Inglés | Past Simple | Past Participle | Reg. | Español |
Base verbal | ||||
Work | worked | worked | o | trabajar |
Worry | worried | worried | o | preocuparse |
Write | wrote | written | x | escribir |
Espero que, te hayan servido estos sencillos Prácticos. Siempre trata de ampliar.
"El nivel alcanzado depende de tu dedicación".
Agradezco a mis hijos, y a mi bellísima señora, que con tanta paciencia me dejaron usar la compu...
Luis Rubén SívoriCopyright © 2013 - Todos los derechos reservados
Videos introductorios Concepto de sílaba Fonética elemental El sonido de las vocales La acentuación Tablas de pronunciación Más...